Monday, July 13, 2009

Whose In The Dog House?

Well, I found this little ditty kicking around on the rack downstairs and thought I would dust her off and try her out.  The rage right now seems to be catchy little names and funky little labels to grab the customers attention.  Although, I know for sure that I didn't buy this one, it was indeed a gift with a story behind it ~ someone was in the doghouse, not I though!!!!
This was a 2004 Dog House "Zeke's Zin" from California.  It reads 76% Zin, 11% Syrah, and a mere 9% Petite Syrah.  I think the retail on this would probably be around $15 (like I said, I never bought it!).  Pretty full on the palate ~ showing big blackberry jam profiles with the small indication of coffee beans on the finish.  And so it sat....gathering some air in the bottle.... and finally it became not too shabby.  Much more easier to drink after a couple hours exposed. Maybe a burger would have helped this along a little further?!
This is a great little company, donating all proceeds from these wines to Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Another fun little value wine, with a fun little brand.  Check them out!!!


  1. This is a very cool idea, Bella. Thanks for sharing it... and for sharing your recipes!

  2. Thanks for sharing your wine knowledge!!! I love the stuff but have a LOT to learn still! : )

  3. Living in the Okanagan I should know more than I do about wines - sorry to say I don't. Thanks for sharing Bella

  4. Thank U for sharing this. I will check it out.

  5. I am a wine newbie. I look forward to checking out your blog some more.

  6. I love picking wines based on names because I figure if it can make me laugh, even if it tastes less than stellar, it's all good. =)
    It also helps that I only buy a few pricier wines that I KNOW I like and stick with cheapies for the funny names.
